Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Abercrombie and Fitch...Realy?

Ok, so this is Mike Jeffries (according to Wikipedia which I know is not the most secure site for solid information but i think you can get the basics there) the CEO of Abercrombie and Fitch. He feels that only attractive people should wear the clothes that his company makes.

That is an interesting proposition considering that this is a man that is in his 60s. Now there are plenty of people that are in there 60's that are doing great things. Doctors, volunteers, even actors and actresses (even though I consider both as actors) staring in amazing plays about equal rights, equal marriage, AIDS, human right violations across the globe and anything else you can think of. That is the greatness of amazing theatre.

But this man, who clearly has had work done to keep himself "young" looks all the more old for it. He has a reseeding hair line, needs to work on his crow feet, and has wrinkles on his neck. But I wouldn't fault him for that. Such is the price of growing older, and as such, growing wiser.

But this man seems to want to trade wisdom for youth. Which is sad. I would much rather have my wisdom as my youth fades. I am the better person for it. I may only be turning 31 with a lot of life to live. But I would never do any elective surgery unless it would positively impact my health, which would actually make it a needed surgery. But with out health care jumble who knows.

What I do know is that this man should not be telling us/you what is cool to wear and what isn't. Especially when you go into an A&F store and spend a whole paycheck on a pair of khaki's and underwear because the t-shirt puts you over budget.

A pair of jeans should cost you no more than 30 dollars! And the means a pair the fits comfortably for your specific body type! And on top of that, a t-shirt shouldn't cost you more than 20 dollars. And that is if it has a grandly funny saying on it. If it is a promo shirt for something, then it shouldnt be more than 15 dollars.

But that is just me. I know that supply and demand economics changes prices greatly. I am guilty of paying 35 dollars for a concert t-shirt for a band show that I go to. But the cause for that is that you can only get those shirts at that show. Even though they may have 60 shows in the states, those are the only places where you are supposed to get those shirts.

I have walked through malls where A&F and Hollister and even other companies have two stores, atleast. That my friends is just an over saturation of the market. Especially when most states have at least two huge mall/shopping centers; whatever you want to call them. It seems like at all the huge malls, A&F and Hollister have two stores, which does not help with sales.Ultimately all that money goes into the same account.

All I am asking is that you try to go to other places that try to carry clothes for everyone. It doesn't have to be Wal Mart (which is pretty bad at offering big and tall sizes unless you are really BIG and slightly tall,) but anywhere that has clothes of all types. Even thrift shops. Spend you money locally to support good causes. Try to buy local designers. And with that, I bid this essay an end. Good luck to you all. (Sorry, wasnt't sure how to truly end it.)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Love is love.

For those who don't know. I support Equal Love, and Equal Marriage. For those who think it is against religion, I point to the fact the you are basing your beliefs written on a book millenia ago. This is a pro-active time. And that is why I love this video. The first rap for Equality. :)

I feel this is a great representation of love. True love at that.

Thank you.

Jaymz Blanken.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

One week after the Boston Marathon Bombs

Ok, so I live in Ipswich Massachusetts. I am a good twenty-five miles north of Boston. But at the same time Boston is my favorite city. Sure that may just be some local homerism, but it's true. Every time I find myself there I am filled with the history and the essence of Massachusetts. I feel that anyone that has been to Fenway Park, the TD Garden, or even Foxboro for a Patriots game, you are a Masshole.

Just over a week ago we were subject to a terrorist attack. I use the word 'terrorist' loosely, though recent news that has come to light has painted these boys as radical Islamist, 'terrorist' can be applied to anyone, domestic or foreign that tries to instill fear into a populace. I don't really know which to call them, but all that matters is that they tried to instill fear into Boston.

Did they steal the sense of Innocence and safety from the public? They did, but only briefly. I say briefly only because a few seconds after the first bomb went off, while everyone had that split second of disorientation, the majority of people shook it off and ran into the smoke and dust not knowing what was going to happen.

Shortly after that the second bomb went off. If the bombs went off together, we probably would be looking at a higher body count. But because the second bomb went off about twelve seconds after the first, most people were scrambling at that point. That in itself may have saved some lives.

But one of the greatest things that I saw from this, after all the repeating of the original few videos is this. After that first bomb went off I saw more people run into the storm than away from it. From first responders that are trained to do so to volunteers that just did as much as they possibly could making tourniquets and splints and literally pinching off arteries to save lives, this city proved that when you tare us down to our essence we are all inherently good. We want to help out fellow man in any way we can. Especially Bostonians.I'd be remiss if I didn't share Stephen Colbert's intro to his show the Tuesday night after the bombing.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Marriage Equality

   When I was younger I was taught insights from "The Bible" (I went to a Protestant church so it was kind of the highlights.) I was never truly taught that Homosexuality was wrong, but I was never taught that it was truly right. I was confused about it all until it affected my life.
   In my early teens, a member of my peer leaders group (which was not a religious group) came out to us, his peers, as being bi-sexual. Another came out to us as being transsexual. At first I wasn't sure what to think. This was the late 90's and even though at that time bi-sexuality and and transgendered persons were being more accepted, I wasn't sure what to do. However, after time, and some consultation from my fellow peers, I realized this was not a bad thing.
   It wasn't until my time at West Coast Video, with some of my Forever Friends, that I truly realized that the feelings that one person has for another is all that matters. And on top of that, what a person truly feels about themselves is all that matters. I met some great people, some straight, and some gay. And during our late nights at the midnight show of The Rocky Horror Picture Show we all had great times. Those were some of my favorite nights growing up in my twenties. I had one night where I got to "molest" both Janet and Brad.
   From those formative years I also met many great gay people. Both men and women. And because of both my close friends and the acquaintances I made during my time at the video store and the late nights at RHPS, my mind was opened to all that Love had to offer.
   It was at that time that the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled that Gay couples were (at least according to the state constitution) were allowed to marry. I still remember to this day my boss asking one of our customers how happy she was due to the ruling and she just lit up with a huge smile. I then took her returned movie and smiled also.
   It was in that smile that I realized that all people, no matter their orientation deserve true happiness. If that means that two men, or two women can become a married couple then so be it.
   Marriage, as it has become recently, not only means that two people are truly in love with one another. But it also means that they share everything. Not just thoughts, feelings, histories, and fears, but medical benefits, retirement benefits, medicare and social security benefits and the right name ones true love in ones Will. I also see no reason that when an equal female couple (because I see no reason to call them a lesbian couple) has a baby, that both mothers should not be in the delivery room. Same goes for equal male couples. If a male couple has paid for a surrogate, then the surrogate and both dads should be in the room.

   One of the strongest agreements I have read recently is that of Fmr. President Bill Clinton, and I this I paraphrase, but he basically said that signing DOMA into law was a bad move. When the man that signed DOMA into law says that is was an idiotic move, that should tell you something. And on a lighter not, I am sure Hillary knows that she doesn't need to worry about Bill getting a hummer from a male intern.
   In closing, this blog post will most likely be read by few people. However, if I have managed to change the mind of  a couple people (of which I do not expect Justice Scalia to be one of them) and you have at least thought about the fact the one person should be able to love another person regardless of their gender, and marry that person if they see fit, then I can succeeded in my quest.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


I recently saw a commercial where a woman was seeing a vision and it was two images merging in reality. The commercial then went on to state that in our day and age companies are competing for our attention via TV, internet and the such.

I was thinking about this recently. There are many times I turn on my tv and watch movies, use On Demand or Netflix streaming just to have something on in the background as I surf the net and do what I do on it (no porn cause that takes a completely different type of concentration).

I recently saw this commercial and thought to myself, "how true is this?" I looked around myself and counted my devices.

Not only do I have at least 5 devices to consume information readily at my disposal, but four of them have the ability to have multiple internet screens. So in theory my ability is only limited to my devices processor power, and battery life depending on what is and is not plugged in to a power supply.

I ponder this, and hope you wonder also. When was the last time that you just sat down and watched TV, a movie, the news, anything like that, without looking at Facebook on your computer, updates on your cell phone (regardless of who made it) and the such. When was the last time you went anywhere and just focused on one thing. If you have ever been to Hooters or Buffalo Wild Wings (or any sports bar with a host of TVs, all with different programming) and been able to focus on one thing other than the TVs or breasts? (All puns intended there.)

We live in an age of information saturation. I am not going to say whether this is good or bad. That is for history to decide. All I will comment on is that it leaves secrecy, and privacy to be desired, and valuable to those cherish it most.

Damien Jaymz

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

Let me ask you this America. When you get into that voting both, who would you rather cuddle with? Mitt or Obama? I don't know about you but I have had more women moan "Oh Oh OHHHHH!" than "Mm Mm MMMMMM!" I prefer the OH, lol. Happy Election Day all.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


I am truly amazed my woman that "Support" Mitt Romney and the Republican Party.