Friday, December 9, 2011

Computer Space.

Is it bad that the flashcard in my phone holds more than 64 times the large, state of the art Hard Drive from my computer back in 1996?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Life on the Internet.

If I am gonna do a blog which I paid for (tho my best friend made sure that its web address is my pseudonym) right, then I might as well post to it all sorts of nuances, shouldn't I, my faithful 4 followers, lol.

Damien Jaymz

Pop Culture.

Is it bad that I would rather watch a reality series with Rebecca Black that a series with the Kardashians, cause I really am "this" close to doing so.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

This is why I am not a "religous" person.

I know, and accept that America has it's issues. I don't believe we are the greatest nation in the world, but because of the freedoms our constitution grants us, we are most definitely in the top 10. That's why when I read this article that I posted I am happy that we live in a country that is not ruled by religion, we are ruled by a body of elected officials (I am not going into how i truly feel about them right now, that is a whole nother blog). Reports like this are ignorant, misogynistic, masochistic, and just plain stupid. So, without further adieu, her is the article I am talking about.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Paranoia? Maybe!

So this is my own personal blog. Everyone once in a while I may have a cogent point to debate but for the most part my entries are nothing more than drunken ramblings brought on by the Daily Show, Yahoo News, or anything I can put an extremest Left Wing view on because i am, at heart, a Leftist apparently.

Here is one thing I would like to sound off on.

In a recent Boston Herald (whose stance i cant even figure out anymore) they asked why candidates like Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palin can't get a fair shake in the latest 2012 election runnings. Well here is why I think they can't.


When it comes to Sarah Palin, I feel this is because she couldn't even finish her term as Governor of Alaska, America's largest state, and America's largest state we just so happen to put up with! If it weren't for all the oil we get from that state (of which all the tax payers in Alaska get at least one thousand dollars in their tax returns) we would have given it back to the Russians, not the Nordic peoples.

As for Michelle Bachman, the fact that you don't realize the the Founding Fathers didn't fight to their dying day (which was different for all of them) to abolish slavery speaks volumes as to what you either learned, or decided to pay attention to in your history classes.

It's not that the majority of the country, or the majority of the well educated, free thinking, un-restricted classes that hear you speak think that you are insane, or at least morally imbalanced on topical issues and general issues at large. It is just that you have give all those people no reason to think otherwise. Along with Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich (who I actually voted for before I knew what voting could do in full disclosure) Ron Paul, Mitt Romney (despite the fact that I am from Massachusetts I never voted for him) or any of the other Republican contenders.

And here is another question. If Obama is doing so poorly why aren't there other Democrats trying to take over the White House? Because they know they don't have anyone that can do better than him. And I am ok with that.

That is because I would sooner die than vote republican (save for Scott Brown, oddly enough that worked out for all Massachusetts voters).

At the same time though I am not voting republican either.

I wish there were a candidate with no official title and no sworn allegiance to anyone but the voters that elected him to office. That is someone i could get behind as long as i knew he truly represented me in Washington. Not just the businesses that happen to be in my district too.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Very Local

Ok. The local, Ipswich Recreation DEPT. is under attack. "The Town Of Ipswich" is trying to cut 100k in budget cuts to go along with the "downturn" of the economy. Now I feel I have an old dog in this fight.

If it were not for the Recreation Department (from refereed to as the RD)of Ipswich, I may have been one of those students of the 90s that at least thought about shooting up my school soley as an act of defiance.

Columbine had all ready happened at this point and not only was I one not to copy cat but I am not at all the type to take ones life unless it came down to me and them, and that would be the only way for me to survive.

Regardless of all that, the Ipswich Rec Department gave me a place to not only be myself, but also gave me the freedom to be who I could truly be without the walls of heterosexuality, homosexuality, and any other sexuality you can think of.

Not only did it give me a place to find my sexuality, personality and life goals, but it gave me the ability to find such characteristics in a non-judgmental, non societal and non economical frame of being.

With out the Ipswich Recreation Dept and all the people that go with it (after the CORI checks) I would not be the Salem State University graduate that I am now!

I have worked for the Recreation Department in the past and have no criminal background whatsoever.

And one of the great things I love about the Ipswich Rec. Dept. is that they never ask for money, nor do they ever run credit checks. Everyone is welcome at their Homework Nights (Which I always took part of and is the main reason I graduated from the Ipswich High School System). I am now happy to admit I have a BA degree in Creative Writing from Salem State University.

If it were not for the help that I received from the Ipswich Recreation Department I may never have even made it to a State College/University. Let alone passed my classes. But the learning that I encompassed at NECC and the homework nights that I got from the Rec Center with my friends allowed me to pursue my degree in Creative Writing.

I feel that anything that I have learned is in thanks to the Ips. Rec. Dept. And if you need me to spell that out for you in a Town Meeting I Will!

To those whom it may concern.

James Christopher Blanken

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Congrats New York on Entering the 21st Century!

Ok, I hope the top link brings you to the right image. That image is that of many gay men and women in downtown NY celebrating Marriage Equality.

I am all for marriage equality because I believe that not matter your orientation. Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, Transvestite, Transsexual, Transgender, Straight or what ever you classify yourself to be, you deserve all the same rights as everyone else.

Religion like to characterize Marriage as the union of one man and one woman living in harmony together. Well when you look at all these unions (regardless of whether they are of same sex of opposite sex) there are many that do not last. So why is it the federal government that decides who should live their lives together and who should not.

Last I knew, the Preamble to the Federal Constitution stated that "All Men Are Created Equal...". To me there is nothing in those first words that state anything about Gender, Color of Skin, Ethnicity, Religion, Beliefs, or Sexual Orientation!

In fact I believe DOMA goes against out Federal Constitution and I hope that the case in California and the recent ruling in New York help that case that just because one man loves another man, or one woman loves another woman that the government decides that these couples deserve all the same rights and responsibilities as all "straight" married couples get.

F*ck! Even IOWA has allowed Gay Marriage. A fricken PLAINS STATE is all for it.

If that isn't a story in itself, I don't know what is!

So with that I say again...congratulations New York in becoming the latest Forward Thinking State to Allow Gay Marriage.

I still like to think of it as regular Marriage, as long as men and women get to marry a partner as they chose, you can call it Jedchootz for all I care as long as they get the same rights and privileges as "straight" couples.

James Blanken

Saturday, June 11, 2011

How do I put my degree to work?

Ok, so I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in English, with a focus in creative writing. I am a left-leaning independent. I am very liberal and that is how I like to write things. Anyone know where can link this blog to? :D

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The "Royal Wedding"?

Ok, straight out I don't understand why this is such an important event here in America. Last I knew, it was the Crown of England that caused the true Boston Tea Party (it did not instigate the current political movement). When was the last time the the wedding of an "English Royal" marriage to ANYONE effected the lives of any American? Easy...not since before 1776! So why should we care, as Americans in 2011, care what happens "Across the Pond"?



Not only does the royal family (and I lower case the name cause we really shouldn't care that much) not have any power here in the U.S. of A. but that family doesn't even have true power in the English Government. Sure, the Prime Minister may consult the royal family about legislation, but they shouldn't take that info at face value. And usually they don't. They should never make policy based on the families ideas. The government should make policy on what their true constituents want. The "Proles" as many greek and roman plays make them out to be.

Basically, who (spoiler alert, the next bit has profanity in it), THE FUCK CARES!!!
THAT'S ABOUT IT AFTER ALL I'VE SAID. I don't care about this fucking wedding and neither should you!


Wednesday, March 30, 2011


They say that power corrupts. I say absolute power corrupts politicians! It sucks. But that's all i have to say for now.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Why is FRIDAY sooooo valuble?

So according to Wikipedia, which we all no to be a bastion of truth. Yet in a jam it does actually have a ring of truth to it, I found the Rebecca Black, who sings the "Friday" song we all love to hate, is actually 13 years old.

Now, here is what you need to keep in mind before you let your brain EXPLODE! SHE IS 13!!!! Sure, she has at least one parent that can afford the two thousand dollars that this "upstart" record company charged to make a High Definition Video of this cheese written song.

Sure, the lyrics are crap, the pop synth recorded is worse than early Daft Punk and you would shoot yourself in the head to hear the chorus (FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY) at the "Gahden", well, with the way the Bruins have played recently, maybe a bullet in the brain would be better, Regardless, Friday can't be any worse that the techno they play when Boston scores. But that's a personal opinion.

Still, this song is truly bad. My best friend, who's family owns a music store and has listened to all music since 1985 even said this song sucks.

Now, Miss Black has said that "the song they wanted her to sing was about Adult Love and (she) hadn't felt that yet" and granted I am paraphrasing, even that screams that she thinks she is better than what she is.

Ok, with all your 26 mil views (at the time of this posting) and your appearance on GMA to "address" all the ill will against you...I have one question for you. Since when did some Youtube sensation have to address the nasty comments someone got from their music video they posted online.

That is a serious problem that we as American's have. We all have such vitriolic sentiments against these "overnight sensations" that they seem to need/have/are forced to respond to their "critics" that we empower them. And from there they go on to atleast heights that the most of us critics will never know. And from there we tear them down till they are pulling a Charlie Sheen and think that if we are paying 100 dollars per seat to hear him say "I'm Bi-Winning" and look at his Godessi/Pornstar/Model women in his life who also have no discernible talents then so be it.

That is how bad we have become as a nation. We applaud mediocrity. A LA Sheen, Rebecca Black and any other Auto tuned starlet/star. Yet most of the truly talented stars we treat like they have leprosy. If they don't have a sex tape (thank you Miss Hilton and Miss Kardashian) or are the offspring of a famous celebrity (and I don't consider a famous defense lawyer or an olympic sprinter to be a celebrity) then we don't care what anyone has to say or do unless they are getting paid 10k to tweet what they are doing, speaking for, endorsing or running for.

You know what would happen if i tweeted "Hey all, I am running a 10k for the survivors of the Japan catastrophe."? If i were a member of the social elite, they would probably ask me where Japan is on the world map.

In that case id say its a "country in the pacific ocean, near Russia/China. They just got hit by the 5th largest earthquake on record and suffered a great tsunami." Then most of these Socialites would probably point to the Philippines , where the last great tsunami, or atleast the last GREAT TSUNAMI hit, and killed over 200k people, where most of them tried to send most of their donations to because they needed to restore the resorts that they loved to spend most their time at.

That is what is truly wrong right now. We are more concerned with what is going on in our neck of the woods, "Oh no! What happens if the radiation travels in microscopic amounts to our west coast? Oh, its not gonna make it to California? It's gonna hit north of California? Hell, the worst that's gonna happen to us "Americans" is that it will really hit the top half of Washington State? Well screw them and their grunger musicians!"

We don't seen to care what happens to us as long as it doesn't directly affect us.

"Oh the Nuclear Plant that is having problems is in Japan, screw them. We only Dropped the first and second, and only Atomic bombs on them, and promised to militarily take care of them since 1945. But since they have their own Nuclear grid, screw them. We can worry about them, we have to now worry about all the Nuclear Plants we have here in America. Even though none of them are under any distress from domestic, foreign, or natural disasters. Our leadership feels that it is more important to focus on us American right now than help the Japanese, where all the good stuff comes from. And that is meant to be Ironically Humorous. And I say "Ironic" because of this. Most of our computers that control our Nuclear/Coal/Gas and any other "power" plant relies on some form of computer control that is most likely developed in Japan. That is the true irony here. All of the equipment that measured the earthquake, that is supposed to help "us" (us as americans) to help others is all dependant on Japanese tech. Just about everything now a days is based on tech coming out of Japan.

Well, i think thats a lot to digest right now. Granted something tells me that the server that this blog is based out of in Japan somewhere. And thank god us americans still have a place to rant about how we only got a double mocha latte instead of a triple.

I realize i am drunkenly ranting but I think i am at least a decent point. I am willing to take my licks, but are you?

Are you willing to do anything for Japan aside from donating your 5 dollars buy texting it from your cell phone?

Ask me the same!

James Blanken.

Music Videos on Youtube.

Why is it that i can watch any music video from Britney Spears on Youtube but I can't look her up for her most recent video that might have the slightest intonation of empireism. God forbid that any form of music now a days has a message. Ill write soon when Britney, Christina, Selena or any of the Disney singers have an actual message. Thank you.

Damien Jaymz

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Post for Jan 29

Ok, a quick note on my weight loss. It looks as if ill have gone down 10 lbs this month. Not too shabby considering what I have had to deal with since classes have started again. if not 10 I will at least be past my goal of 7 pounds for the month. Not too sure about next month but we will cross that bridge when we get there.

This blog is more about the Royal Rumble, of which I am going to. This video i feel is a decent indication of someone that will be there.

Now I know people will go to far into what they see. And I see Kevin Nash in Boston a day before the Royal Rumble. Im not saying he is in the Rumble, but i have a feeling he will have something to do with it. Whether its the actual rumble or one of the preceding matches, Kevin Nash will be on camera at the Royal Rumble :)

Damien Jaymz

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Weightloss Blog

Well, If I have this blog for a while it will be mainly for this. My weight loss. I have been hitting the gym like gangbusters as the saying goes. My main goal for the month of January is to loose seven pounds. From January 1st to now, the 19th, I went from 253 to 246.4lbs. That's 6.6lbs in 18 days which isn't bad.
Now here is the crux of it all. I want to lose at least 7lbs in January, and 7lbs in February. So far i am at 6lbs here in January. I set the goal of hitting the gym hard enough that I work out at least 20 days of the 31 days of January. Now that's AT LEAST 20 days, I hope to work out more than that. And with this years February, I hope to work out at least 19 of the 28 days of February.
So if my highest weight as I can see is 253 pounds at my worst, especially at the beginning of this month, then what ever I get to at the bottom of this month, it seems to be all gravy. So long as I make it below 246 pounds by the end of the month, I will have made it past my goal of the month. But still I have the feeling that most of what I want to do will not be known until my next blog post, in which I will state what I look forward to in the future :)

Damien Jaymz