Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

Let me ask you this America. When you get into that voting both, who would you rather cuddle with? Mitt or Obama? I don't know about you but I have had more women moan "Oh Oh OHHHHH!" than "Mm Mm MMMMMM!" I prefer the OH, lol. Happy Election Day all.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


I am truly amazed my woman that "Support" Mitt Romney and the Republican Party.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

I was going through some photos I have taken over the years and figure I would share these photos with you all. Enjoy. :)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Trying Video Out.

There should be a Queen Video above me. If not, I still need to figure things out.
Trying some shit out right now because I am trying to figure out the whole picture and video function here. After this, if it works, i will try a video. Talk to you soon. James

Snow White And The Huntsman

I went to the midnight show of Snow White and the Huntsman. All in all, a 3.5 of 5 star movie. It was definitely entertaining. All though the director was a first timer he def had some experienced people behind him. The photography was amazing. It was all filmed in Great Brittan, all over, not just Pinewood. The only real weakness is Ms. Stewart who can get past the whole "woe is me, I am such a depressed, horny chick that is pining for a dead guy" routine. I mean you are friggin Snow White. Figure it out. Other that that the acting was at least credible. Hemsworth was clearly having a good time with his role, it seemed the most real. Ms Theron was a little hammy, but she definitely has the chops to get away with some over acting. What killed me was that everyone tried to speak old English, where as the story (based on a Grimm tale) was clearly based in central Europe. The "Dark Forrest" is the Black Forrest of Bavaria. All the locals have a slightly amorphic feel because the area has gone through so many renovations but that is the general area. Aside from that tho, the one thing i do give Kristen Stewart is that she has finally chosen a character that doesn't need a man to satisfy her. When she tries to rally the troops (all be it poorly) she is doing it for herself and knowing that it is the right thing to do. Not because some handsome prince is telling her that it is the right thing to do. After that tho, the main theme I gathered from this film was that even the old Grimm tales can be given a great modern treatment.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Amreican Reunion

Ok, there isn't much that can be said about the American Pie movies that hasn't already been said. And that hasn't all ready been done.

There is something that feels natural about American Reunion though.

If we discount all the "American Pie Presents" direct to video releases, than American Reunion feels like the next, natural step.

Sure the 13th year reunion feels a bit forced and some of the stories lines feel a bit uneeded. But that is just how things go in the "Pie" universe. Regardless of what happens to Jim, we will always see him as the eternal virgin. Michelle the eternal band geek and all the other character will be their characters forever.

Stifler is the only character whose line I looked forward to what happened. I won't ruin it but he has a great cameo in his future.

All the story lines from Wedding, and even a bit from Pie 2 meet up in this film and I honestly feel is a great addition to the series.

At the very least American Reunion is better than American Wedding. It just feels more natural and has a more logical conclusion in the grand scheme of things.

After all that, all I can say is enjoy if for all its mindless joy :)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

New life in the New Order

With the recent passage of the latest Defense Bill, there was a "clause" that stated that the "Current Administration" and/or the current government is able to indefinitely detain AMERICAN CITIZENS when they are suspected of terrorist activity. As far as I can read that include not just Naturalized Citizens but Natural Born Citizens such as I. I was born at Anna Jacques Hospital (god forbid it should be a french hospital, since they were the reason we won a little revolution back in the 18th century) in Newburyport, Massachusetts on July 5th, 1982, just in case anyone wants to question my authority to say this. I have a notarized birth certificate, just like our current president.

With that being said, the last thing I was taught in high school (yes, some of us people still learn things there) was some basics of the US Constitution. One of those those things, or Amendments, was the first one, best known as the Freedom of Expression, Press, and Religion. All of which I feel are perfectly expressed here:


Odd how you get a copy of the link in something from "blogger" yet not anything that i put in the "link" tab they have.

That being said, the current clause in the Defense Spending Bill that Pres. Obama (who, in full disclosure I voted for, and fully intend on voting for again) reluctantly signed into law that states American Citizens can be detained indefinitely when suspected of terrorism (again an interpritation of the clause) There are so many by-laws and caveats to this "amendment" to this spending bill. But above all else I see two fundamental problems with this clause.

The first obviously being that it violates all American Citizens (be them born or naturalized) fourth amendment right to Illegal Search and Seizure. Now in a perfect world the "Patriot Act" would never have been passed (isn't it amazing the crap that is passed in a national "crisis") and God Forbid (and I use that term in a generic fashion) what could have happened if we didn't pass it? Would we have had to leave it up to good ole' police work where we actually find bad guys using detective work and old fashioned know how.

I understand that police work has to evolve to the latest crime trends, but i feel it should be up to the states to decide just how much they can penetrate the privacy of Citizens that pay taxes and have no reason to be spied upon.

That being said, there is the First Amendment, the most obvious, and most abused if you ask me.

There are three basic tenements to the First Amendment of the American Constitution (George Carlin went on about the Amendments to friendly countries constitutions, which are all valid in my opinion, but for the sake of argument we will stick solely to the American Bill of Rights) and those are the Freedom of Speech, Religion, and the right to Peaceably Assemble. Now, the way I see it, as a born and bread American Citizen, I can say what I want, good or bad, freely (which, depending on what you read and who you believe) was an idea originally attributed to Voltaire, a FRENCH poet/philosopher (funny how the French, who helped us win the Revolutionary War also gave us our greatest saying and for the most part our flag and constitution). That being said, the fact that I can address any grievances I have with my government and be indefinitely detained flies strictly in the face of our first amendment. That is something that I firmly believe our founding fathers would firmly been against.

Oh no! I invoked our countries founding fathers! Those God fearing Englishmen that held slaves and were Freemasons and members of the Illuminati. The only problem with that statement is that the only thing our founding fathers were was Freemasons. Nothing else. They were not God fearing, in fact if you look up just about any quote from George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Ben Franklin, James Madison and anyone else, you will find that that wanted a government limited by God/Religion. And it is not because they were pagans, "God" no, it is because they knew what was possible when "Religion", regardless of what one, got its hooks into government. The Crusades and Spanish Inquisition being two of the more popular reasons, and both being more of the Christian slant. Those are reasons why our Fathers didn't want a State Religion. Because it would be the Religion that controlled the state and the people. And anyone that controlled the people would control what happened to them.

That being said, any persons or people that tried to address grievances to the "government" would be shortlisted to the barracks. Anyone that attacked the people that governed was to attack the religion that ruled.

Hence, no state religion. People are freely (and should be able to practice what they want with out fear of retaliation) able to practice any religion in this country, no matter where they are. And especially without being put onto any "lists" because they may not practice a "christian religion" of which there are hundreds of divisions.

Addressing of Government Grievances. In my book, this one should be cut and dry. If you have a problem with the way the government is treating you, you should have an easily accessible form in which to voice your discrepancy. Problem is that it seems like the only way to catch the eye of a congress person or representative is with the dollar sign, it is tough to do so. This is why I feel the Occupy protests haven't achieved their full potential. I know that they try to be individual entities of one another, but I think that if they were to become one entity. Share all visions and grievances, and share the one thing that all politicians recognize (except Mitt Romney for some reason) the all mighty dollar then they would have more power. I believe in people coming together to let the government know that there is a problem. But even with all that, and the 1st amendment behind them, some judges have denied them, hence why I hope they fight these rulings all the way to the Supreme Judicial Court, why its there.

Now, for my favorite part of the First Amendment of our US Constitution. The Right to Free Speech. Again, and Voltaire (allegedly said) "Though I may not agree with what you say, I will defend to the death you right to say it." I will defend to the death Fox News's right to say that Barack Obama is a Gestapo Commander as long as they defend my right to say that John Boehner is akin (which means he is in relations to, not the exact thing) to Hitler and will not let anything go unless it meets his exact specification, that is my right as an American Citizen. I am not saying he is Hitler, but I am saying he reminds me of him. If you say or do something that he doesn't like, oh no, you can't do that, VETO VETO VETO!

Well, oddly enough this is all stuff that could get me locked away indefinitely in Guantanamo Bay with Obama signing into law the latest Defense spending bill. So in the event you don't hear from me for a while, come looking for me there, lol. Now aside from a few minor scrapes with the law (none of the including renunciation or treason) I should have nothing to fear. I am a born and bred US Citizen and I love my County, government...well that's a different story. But that doesn't mean I now am impugned to detention apparently. At least until the section of Indefinite Detention is brought before the US Supreme Court, and, if Obama is elected to a 2nd term will be expedited, and hopefully struck down because it violates 2 amendments, if not more, of the US Constitution. Anything can happen. I hope that doesn't happen. Fortunately I have great friends that know i would never do anything treasonous, and I am only exercising my Constitutional 1st Amendment right to criticize my government. Any one that sees otherwise is just crazy.

James Blanken.

PS - With that said, leave it to a bunch of Brits to get the feeling right after an American Tragedy. Forgive the crudeness of just a link, im still trying to figure out how to post a video.
