Saturday, June 2, 2012

Trying Video Out.

There should be a Queen Video above me. If not, I still need to figure things out.
Trying some shit out right now because I am trying to figure out the whole picture and video function here. After this, if it works, i will try a video. Talk to you soon. James

Snow White And The Huntsman

I went to the midnight show of Snow White and the Huntsman. All in all, a 3.5 of 5 star movie. It was definitely entertaining. All though the director was a first timer he def had some experienced people behind him. The photography was amazing. It was all filmed in Great Brittan, all over, not just Pinewood. The only real weakness is Ms. Stewart who can get past the whole "woe is me, I am such a depressed, horny chick that is pining for a dead guy" routine. I mean you are friggin Snow White. Figure it out. Other that that the acting was at least credible. Hemsworth was clearly having a good time with his role, it seemed the most real. Ms Theron was a little hammy, but she definitely has the chops to get away with some over acting. What killed me was that everyone tried to speak old English, where as the story (based on a Grimm tale) was clearly based in central Europe. The "Dark Forrest" is the Black Forrest of Bavaria. All the locals have a slightly amorphic feel because the area has gone through so many renovations but that is the general area. Aside from that tho, the one thing i do give Kristen Stewart is that she has finally chosen a character that doesn't need a man to satisfy her. When she tries to rally the troops (all be it poorly) she is doing it for herself and knowing that it is the right thing to do. Not because some handsome prince is telling her that it is the right thing to do. After that tho, the main theme I gathered from this film was that even the old Grimm tales can be given a great modern treatment.